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Woombie Clearance: Buy Mommytime Doll, Get Daddytime Doll FREE!

Woombie Time In Dolls

Have you seen the Woombie MommyTime & DaddyTime Dolls?  They are such a neat idea!  These dolls have built-in timers in their chests to help kids learn the concept of time!  The timers go up to 15 minutes, and have so many uses!  Use the MommyTime or DaddyTime dolls to teach kids how to give mommy or daddy a few minutes of uninterrupted time, to help with potty training, reading time, letting the new baby nap time, brushing teeth or washing hands, and so many more things!  The dolls also teach how to tie shoes, snap, button, zip, and velcro!  They are called Time IN Dolls, because they are not intended for time outs, but as a positive tool for teaching the concept of time to children.

These dolls retail for $26 each, both on the Woombie webpage and on Amazon.  But for a limited time, you can get 2 dolls for just $19.99 + S&H!  Head on over to the Woombie page and look for the Woombie On Sale button on the upper right side of the page to find the clearance bin.  It looks like this:

Screen Shot 2013-06-26 at 4.19.53 PM

Click on it, and choose “1 MommyTime Doll With Free DaddyTime Doll” from the dropdown menu and add to your cart.  I contacted customer service, and they let me know that if you would like 2 of the same doll instead of one of each, just write a note in the comments section at checkout.

This would be a great way to get a doll for you own child and one as a gift for a friend!

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